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At Healing Hands In UK we provide aura healing and chakra alignment by a highly experienced Reiki Master Teacher which can help relieve many health conditions such as stress, back pain, diabetes, anxiety, heart conditions...

Just as in the physical body we have the plexuses located along the spine, in the subtle body there are the luminous centers known as chakras. The word chakra means 'Wheels'. There are seven main chakras. They begin at the base of the spine and finish over the top of the head. Though fixed in the central spinal column they are located on both the front and back of the body. These chakras regulate all the functions of the body, the sense and the mind. In this chakra different qualities are stored.

Each chakra vibrates and rotates at different speed. The Root Chakra rotates at the slowest speed, the Crown at the highest. Each chakra is stimulated by its own and complimentary colour. The colours are of the rainbow- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The size and brightness of the chakra vary with individual development, physical condition, energy levels, disease or stress.

If the chakras are not balanced, or if the energies are blocked, the basic life force will be slowed down. The individual may feel tired, stressed, or depressed. Not only physical bodily functions will be affected but the thought process and the mind may also be affected. A negative attitude, fear, doubt, etc. may preoccupy the individual. A constant balance between the chakras promotes health and a sense of well-being. The chakras can be balanced by full body Reiki treatment to yourself (all 24 points) minimum three minutes to each point. This may be done in two or three sittings.

Chakra Corresponding Glands, Organs, Colours, Element, Function and Their Emotions


Location - Base of spine, perineum

Glands - Adrenals/Suprarenal

Organs - Legs, feet, bones, large intestine

Functions - Survival, grounding, life promoting vital physical energy

Malfunctions - Constipation, hemorrhoids, obesity, sciatica arthritis, knee trouble, anorexia nervosa

Colour - Red; Element - Earth; Mantra - LAM Emotions - (+) Abundance, (-) Scarcity


Location - Two to three fingers below navel, lower abdomen, first lumbar vertebra

Glands - Ovaries, testicles

Organs - uterus, genitals, kidney, bladder, and circulatory system

Functions - Assimilation, life promoting emotions, sexuality, desire and pleasure

Malfunctions - Kidney/bladder trouble, female and male organic and emotional-sexual problems, lower back problems Colour - Orange; Element - Water; Mantra - BAM; Emotions - (+) Creativity, (-) Lust Photos


Location - Eighth thoracic vertebra, just below the notch where ribs come together to form Xyphoid process to navel

Glands - Pancreas, adrenals

Organs - Stomach, liver and gallbladder

Functions - Will power, personal power, taking in of energy from outside of self, growth, healing

Malfunctions - Digestive trouble, ulcers, diabetes hypoglycemia, liver disorder, fat metabolism

Colour - Yellow; Element - Fire; Mantra - RAM; Emotions - (+) Joy, (-) Jealousy


Location - First thoracic vertebra, heart

Gland - Thymus

Organs - Heart, lungs, arms, hands

Functions - Self love, love toward others, taking in life nourishment in general, mental energy, consciousness, healing

Malfunctions - Heart disease (including high blood pressure) asthma and lung diseases

Colour - Green; Element - Air; Mantra - HAM; Emotions - (+) Love, (-) Hatred and Fear


Location - Third cervical vertebra

Gland - Thyroid and parathyroid

Organs - Neck, shoulders, arms, hands, ears

Functions - Communication, expressive energy volition, will (discernment and power of choosing) synthesizing of symbols into ideals.

Malfunctions: Thyroid problems, hearing problems, stiff neck, colds, sore throat

Colour - Blue; Element - Air; Mantra - GAM; Emotions - (+) Gratitude, (-) Sadness


Location - First cervical vertebra in back (space between and slightly above eyes on forehead)

Gland - Pituitary (working in harmony with pineal)

Organ - Eyes

Functions - Seeing, intuition, synthesizing

Malfunctions - Headache, vision problems, nightmares

Colour - Indigo; Element - Air; Mantra - OHM; Emotions - (+) Alertness, (-) Anger


Location - Top of head and slightly back where soft spot of baby's head is located

Gland - Pineal (working in harmony with pituitary) Organs -

Cerebral cortex, central nervous system

Functions - Integration and understanding

Malfunctions - Depression, alienation, inability to learn or comprehend

Colour - Violet; Element - Air; Mantra - AUM; Emotion - Bliss

Chakra Healing Harrow, Chakra Healing Northwood, Chakra Healing Northwood Hills, Chakra Healing Pinner, Chakra Healing Watford, Chakra Healing Harefield, Chakra Healing Eastcote, Chakra Healing Ruislip, Chakra Healing Edgware, Chakra Healing Stanmore, Chakra Healing Hillingdon, Chakra Healing Hounslow, Chakra Healing London

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